Channel: Karen de la Carriere – The Scientology Money Project
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Nancy Cartwright: Just Another Scientology Celebrity Pawn


Nancy Cartwright just did a video in which she attacked Going Clear. After watching the video, I’ve concluded that Cartwright is just another Scientology celebrity pawn who has been played to do the bidding of the Office of Special Affairs.

OSA may not have given Nancy the news: Going Clear earned seven Emmy nominations and won three Emmy’s. Going Clear also made the Oscar short list for Best Documentary. Alex Gibney won an Oscar for Best Documentary Feature for his 2007 work Taxi to the Dark Side.

In Nancy’s video she uses the same tired old PR line and tells people to find out for themselves what Scientology is by reading a book. Okay. I have met this requirement and more. I have found out for myself what Scientology really is and does and I think it is a malicious and dishonest criminal Cult. And I am hardly alone in my informed opinion.

Over the years I have read Dianetics, the Basics, and listened to the Congresses. I have also read and studied Scientology’s legal cases, IRS records, and interviewed many former top Scientology executives. I found $1.5 billion in Scientology assets listed in IRS 990-T forms filed by Scientology churches. More than ten million dollars of this money was presumably donated by Nancy Cartwright, and yet, the PR of the Church of Scientology continues to get worse. This is, apparently, why OSA needs Nancy’s face and name in another one of its failed attempts to dead agent Going Clear. Nancy Cartwright, however, is just not an OSA attack dog. She looked unnatural, forced, and uncomfortable in this attack video. If OSA needed an attack dog it should have called Kirstie Alley.

My wife Karen de la Carriere was a Class XII C/S who served onboard the Flagship Apollo and was personally trained by L. Ron Hubbard. LRH only trained seven Class XII’s and Karen was one of them. Karen knows more about Scientology than Nancy Cartwright does or ever will. My wife especially knows the sadistic side of Scientology Disconnection. When Karen’s son Alexander Jentzsch died at age 27, your Church did not have the basic human decency to tell her that her son had died. We found out through the kindness of a stranger whom, we later discovered, was former Sea Org executive Aaron Smith-Levin. He had the humanity to let us know Alexander had died — and he did so at great risk to himself when he was still in the Church. When we learned that Alexander had died, Scientology would not let Karen see her dead son’s body and kiss him goodbye one last time. Is Nancy Cartwright seriously defending this depraved Scientology conduct?

Nancy Cartwright is telling people to read a book about Scientology when she darned well knows that none of the books will ever tell the public the real truth about Scientology? For example, none of Scientology’s books will inform the public of the four unconscionable contracts Scientology uses to legally ensnare people and strip them of their legal rights.

Nancy Cartwright withholds from the public the worst parts of Scientology: Fair Game, Disconnection, sleep deprivation torture in the Sea Org, child labor, RPF, financial rape of parishioners, exploitation of Sea Org members by paying slave wages, and the Master Race and Genocide doctrines of Scientology. If Nancy Cartwright actually wanted people to truly learn about Scientology then she would have to give it to them straight: The good, the bad, and the ugly. She’s not doing herself or Scientology any favors by lying and withholding. She’s only making it worse by proving that Scientology has massive withholds on the public. Going Clear is not the problem here. Scientology is the problem.

Nancy Cartwright needs to tell the whole truth. She should talk about Xenu, volcanoes, BT’s, clusters, Marcabs and everything else that the public can’t read in Scientology’s books. She should talk about all the materials in the secret course packs in AO, Flag, and the Ship. These materials constitute the the real Scientology.

What Nancy Cartwright is saying — read a book — is dishonest and misleading because the books never describe the Real Scientology. This is why people out here in the real world write blogs, books, and make movies in order to expose what Real Scientology is actually about. Nancy and her fellow Scientology celebrities can’t talk about the real Scientology.  Like puppets dancing on strings, Scientology’s celebrities can only say and think what they’ve been ordered to say and think by the Office of the President, Celebrity Centre Int.

When it comes to The Simpsons, I enjoy Nancy Cartwright’s work and always have. When it comes to Scientology, however, I consider her to be just another Scientology pawn like Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, John Travolta and the rest of the Celebrity Centre pawns. Scientology invariably makes pawns out of its celebrities. These celebs do what they are ordered to do because they want to keep their OT eligibility.

Nancy Cartwright is a Scientology New OT VIII. She has reached the pinnacle of Scientology and so now what? Is her next step donating more money to Flag so she can run laps five hours a day on the torture program known as the Survival Rundown?

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