The internal structural collapse of the Church of Scientology has occured.
The Church of Scientology no longer has anyone inside capable of speaking intelligently, or even coherently, on its behalf. The Church must therefore pay non-Scientology professionals to defend it. The journalist John Sugg is the latest non-Scientologist to take a big payday to defend the Church of Scientology. Sugg probably doesn’t realize that his employer, the Church of Scientology, embodies L. Ron Hubbard’s nightmare Master Race doctrine and Call for a Scientology Genocide against all person’s 2.0 and below on the Scientology Tone Scale.
Non-Scientologist attorney Monique Yingling recently appeared on ABC 20/20 to rebut claims made by Ron Miscavige in his New York Times bestselling book Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige and Me.
This task of talking to 20/20 should have been the duty of Cult leader David Miscavige, but he was far too busy crucifying his own father and brother on a new Scientology hate website. David Miscavige is simply too paranoid and too preoccupied with matters of money and revenge to do a television interview.
John Sugg is now the Editor of Scientology’s in-house propaganda journal Freedom magazine. One of Sugg’s main assignments is, apparently, to engage in Fair Game attacks against Tony Ortega. Sugg’s attacks are an indication of David Miscavige’s fear of Tony Ortega’s steadfast effectiveness in exposing the malicious Cult of Scientology.
Sugg posted today in the comments section of Tony Ortega’s famous Underground Bunker. Sugg’s post was your typical litany of Scientology butthurt coupled with an attack on Tony. It was mediocre work on Sugg’s part. Sugg has a long way to go in mastering the art of Scientology’s vitriolic propaganda.
This leads me to ask if Sugg will extend the same courtesy and allow Bunkerites, critics, and former Scientologists to post on Freedom Magazine and Scientology blogs?
If the answer is no, then this proves the inherent censorship and fascism of Freedom magazine and Scientology. If Sugg wants to post at the Bunker, then Bunker posters should be allowed to post at Freedom magazine and Scientology blogs. If, however, this is a “one way flow” where Sugg expects to post at the Bunker while not allowing critical views to be posted at Scientology or Freedom sites, then Sugg is an out exchange deadbeat and should be banned from the Bunker for lack of reciprocity.
Mr. Sugg, I have questions for you:
1. If you and your employer are to have any credibility whatsoever with claimed membership numbers, then Scientology’s active IAS membership numbers — i.e. Scientologists in good standing with the Church — must be published after being verified by a neutral third party CPA firm. Otherwise, we may safely assume any numbers from Scientology are false. The Church of Scientology must publish audited and truthful membership numbers or shut up and stop publishing lies. Do you agree John?
2. I have called upon Monique Yingling to make fully public Scientology’s secret 1993 agreement with the IRS public or shut up with her complaints about Alex Gibney and others concerning their criticisms of Scientology’s secret agreement with the IRS. Publish it all online Monique: The Final Closing Agreement and all 14 linear feet of supporting documents the Church submitted. Mr. Sugg: Would you please urge Monique Yingling to publish the IRS agreement and supporting documentation and be done with it?
3. To what extent is PR crisis manager Michael Sitrick involved in the daily PR operations of CSI, RTC, Freedom, and all other operations of Scientology?
4. How much money does the Church of Scientology (CST/RTC/CSI/IAS) spend weekly on lawyers and private investigators?
5. Why is the Church of Scientology not financially transparent with its own members or the public?
6. Why doesn’t David Miscavige make himself available for interviews by journalists?
7. Since the Church of Scientology is so busy trashing David Miscavige’s father and brother, it might as well go for a Trifecta of Fair Game and tell the world that David Miscavige’s twin sister Denise Gentile was arrested for drunk driving, possession of marijuana, and failure to yield.
The Church can also add in the part about Denise allowing her tenant Rico Currie to pay her in marijuana instead of cash.
The Church can even mention Denise’s work in the 1990’s at Digital Lightwave. At that time her name was Denise Licciardi.
8. Why have David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology covered up child sexual molestation in the Church? Is the public to conclude that the Church of Scientology is a safe haven for pedophiles?
9. Why did the Church of Scientology choose to handle felony assault and battery internally, thus denying the victims of David Miscavige’s felonious behavior due process of law and their criminal and civil remedies? Was this done to protect David Miscavige from the law? If so, what do you think of this Mr. Sugg? Is it right for a Church to cover up crimes to protect its leader?
10. Why did the Church of Scientology publish Ron Miscavige’s confidential confessional data on its website? This heinous act on the part of the Church of Scientology proves, once and for all, that the Church engages uses the private confessions of Scientologists against them — and this in direct violation of Scientology’s own Auditor’s Code:
I promise never to use the secrets of a preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain.
The Church of Scientology’s main website reiterates the sanctity of auditing:
Given the Church’s publication of Ron Miscavige’s priest-penitent communication, it would seem that the Church of Scientology lied to the California Supreme Court in the DeCrescenzo case when it sought an emergency stay, “seeking to prevent the production of clergy-penitent privileged documents.” Ron Miscavige’s O/W write up is certainly a clergy-penitent privileged document.
Scientology attorneys Bert Deixler and Eric Lieberman emphatically represented to the California Supreme Court that Scientology parishioner information was secret and confidential:
All clergy authorized by the Scientology Scripture to see the auditing folders must take a sacred oath to maintain the secrecy of all auditing communications. Pre-Clears and other parishioners are assured by the Church that their auditing communications and records will be maintained as strictly confidential.
Scientology places great religious emphasis on the confidentiality of a parishioner’s auditing folders. Such folders cannot be disclosed without violating the fundamental religious tenets of the Church of Scientology.
The unauthorized disclosure of someone’s PC folder is one of the most serious ecclesiastical crimes within the Church, known as a Suppressive Act and can lead to expulsion from the Church. Turning over the pre-clear folders of the parishioner’s auditing, even to the parishioner, is forbidden. The Church and its ministers have an absolute responsibility to maintain the secrecy of auditing files.
If the Church of Scientology is to remain true to what its attorneys Lieberman and Deixler told the California Supreme Court — The unauthorized disclosure of someone’s PC folder is one of the most serious ecclesiastical crimes within the Church, known as a Suppressive Act and can lead to expulsion from the Church – then everyone responsible for publishing Ron Miscavige Sr.’s confessional data is surely guilty of one of the most serious ecclesiastical crimes in Scientology and must be punished accordingly.
Will the guilty be punished? Or is the Church of Scientology and its attorneys simply engaging in more prevarications? What is your opinion of the matter Mr. Sugg? Do you want to do some honest reporting here?